May 8, 2024

Whether your purchase jewelry for friends, get it as a gift or receive valuable heirloom pieces, you need to know how to buy, selling and cleaning jewelry practices. This article will provide you with some key tips on all aspects of jewelry ownership.

Know the distinctions between kinds of gems before you are buying with your jewelry.The three types are imitation, imitation and natural. Natural stones and synthetic gems are both real, but imitation is just plastic colored to look like the real thing. Natural stones are found underground and synthetic ones are grown in a lab.

Jewelry should last forever. When you look for a piece of jewelry, focus on buying a quality, in order to ensure you only get high-quality pieces. A valuable piece of jewelry should be well-made and show superior craftsmanship. The jeweler should be able to give you a history on the piece, such as its manufacturer and the source of the gemstones. It is important that your pieces are high-quality jewelry if you want them to last a treasured heirloom passed down for generations.

Take a look at the diamonds up close, and then hold everything else you consider to that standard. Be careful of tricks that some dealers will use to make a diamond look bigger or better.

Pay attention if they usually wear studs or hoop earrings, white gold or yellow, and colors of jewelry that the person wears.This is a good idea of where to start when purchasing that special item.

Always check with your jeweler about an insurance policy options before buying a new piece of jewelry. If you can get insurance, you can return it to the source and have it repaired. Some jewelers even offer insurance for jewelry against loss or theft.

Keep your jewelry pieces looking beautiful by protecting them from getting tarnished in order to keep it looking it’s best. Try to keep your jewelry when you are around water.Water can cause some types of metal if it is exposed to it too often. If you must take your jewelry somewhere wet, coat it thinly with clear nail polish.

Costume jewelry can be very expensive and a great investment, but pieces that are damaged aren’t worth much and aren’t worth the time to restore. A piece that is in good condition will increase in value.

Jewelry that is well looked-after will always retain its investment cost, as well as providing you with strong sentimental value in the years ahead. If you know how to properly care for your jewelry, your memories and financial investments are also going to remain safe. Continue learning about jewelry care, and you’ll never have to retire another piece.